Friday, August 1, 2008

It's August - AHHHHH!!

I can't stand the thought of August being here - it means that school starts very soon. I love being off in the summer. 14 days of freedom left. Of course Janelle starts practice on Monday and Janay has practiced all summer and continues so the juggleing begins Monday, too. I really am not complaining becasue I want the next 3 years to go by very slow. I can't stand the thought of Janay leaving. Hopefully she will go to college somewhere close. Anyway...I have 14 more days to enjoy so I am getting off this computer.


R.R. Reed said...

Hi Janet,
I have grasped the blog thing and I am on a roll now! How are you? Your daughters are a mirror of you and your sister.
Please take care and keep in touch!


Anonymous said...

Hi Janet-

Good to see you. You have a wonderful family. I am like Reginald...getting used to the blog thing. Glad to hear you are well.
